A Message from your Friendly Board Members

 March 2022

Dear DSWPS Member,

     The Board of the Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors would like to thank you for your support during the past three years.  I especially would like to thank the DSWPS Executive Board members and Committee Chairs who remained and worked as we plan for the future. We are finding that our membership is finally starting to rebound. It’s a rewarding time, which we are relieved to be experiencing.  

     Yet we need board level volunteers to continue our hard earned upward trajectory. We are  
currently seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions. 

• Second Vice President Exhibitions
• Recording Secretary

     Specifics for the three positions may be found in our bylaws in the DSWPS Membership Directory.  Please keep in mind, as a member of the Executive Board, you will be expected to participate in all board and general membership meetings.  Presently, the 6-8 Executive Board meetings per year are held on Zoom. There is a growing future interest in meeting once again in person. Our Executive Board is a positive, productive and professional group, which supports and encourages each other, especially our new Board members.

     We have a timeline for filling all Executive Board jobs.  According to our by-laws, the slate of officers should be presented at the April 2022 General Meeting.  The slate will be voted on at the Annual Meeting in May 2022.  The positions will start June 2022 and end May 2024.  

     We are very proud of our history at DSWPS.  Keep in mind, two local arts organizations did not survive the pandemic; fortunately we have survived and are starting to think of endless possibilities for the future.  The board is essential for the quality programs, riveting exhibitions and fiscal longevity of the society.  We are asking you to consider the importance of DSWPS for exhibiting your art, networking with artists and friendships.

     Please consider being part of the Executive Board.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, Joan Smykowski, or our president Lori Zurvelac.  We wish we could call each of you and ask you to join the Board, but at this time we can’t.  You can call or email or text to find out more.  

     We look forward to hearing from you.


Joan Smykowski, Nomination Committee Chair
Email: joan.smykowski@gmail.com
Text or phone: 734-748-0078

Lori Zurvalec, President
Email: lorizurvalec@gmail.com
Text or phone: 313-881-7084